Guest Post Guidelines

Thanks for your interest in contributing to IDR Environmental's blog! We're glad to have you here, and we look forward to sharing your expertise with our readers.

Below are our standard style and submission guidelines. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.

General Themes:

There are a range of topics covered on IDR's blog. However, the most popular posts deal with Hazardous Waste and Pharmaceutical Waste issues that have concrete examples of source material to back up conclusions and results. How-to and Top 10 lists are also popular. IDR’s readers expect the blog content to be problem solving and/or entertaining in nature. Try to provide actionable steps in your posts.

While Hazardous Waste Disposal and Pharmaceutical Waste Disposal, in general, are the core of IDR’s blog, the list of categories on the right-hand side of the blog will give you a good sense of acceptable topics.

Search Engine Optimization:

Search engine optimization is not required for submissions, but it is certainly encouraged. Feel free to do keyword sculpting, but make sure the post reads for human eyeballs and not for search engines.


Posts cannot be blatantly promotional. Links to your website or blog should be included in the bio at the end of the post. Links pointing to relevant content on a blog from the body of the post are acceptable, but shouldn’t be promotional in nature.

All content must be exclusive to the IDR Environmental blog, original and authored by you. Note: You can use ideas, concepts and lessons you have written about in the past as long as the content itself is new. 

Content Guide:

  • Article length: 600+ words
  • Post titles: Initial caps, no more than 70 characters in length
  • Subheads: use of subheads (H2, H1, etc.), bulleted lists, and unordered lists are encouraged for positive user experience and readability.


IDR is flexible on the number of links in a post but remain reasonable.

Images & Graphics: 

  • Format:  .jpg or .png
  • Size: no larger than 600 pixels wide
  • Sourcing: Source images at the end of the post and include links for attribution when needed.

Headshot & Bio:

Provide a brief biography (approximately 50 words) describing your expertise. You may include links to personal or company social media profiles. Additionally, you may provide up to a 100 x 100 headshot to include with the bio.

Submission Guidelines:

  • Posts can be submitted as HTML via .txt or standard text via Word doc.
  • Author bio (can include links)
  • Optional:  Bio picture (no more than 100 x 100)
  • Optional:  Additional images (charts, graphs, logos, etc.)

Promotion & Reader Interaction:

IDR promotes all posts via Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Google+.

Guest bloggers are encouraged to distribute their posts throughout social media. Please check the blog post intermittently to respond to any comments.


Guest blog posts should be original content and not repurposed in its entirety on your website or another blog. Discussing the post on your blog while linking to it is acceptable.

Submission Instructions:

  • Send IDR Environmental your article (with images), author bio, and headshot using the form on the right.
  • Publication dates will be based on IDR’s editorial calendar. If your blog is approved, we'll try our best to get in contact with you before publication so you may promote accordingly.
  • IDR reserves the right to edit posts for clarity, grammar, voice, and relevance. Posts that require significant editing will be rejected.

Thanks again for your interest in contributing to IDR Environmental’s Blog!